Hi chaps and girls and those that can,t make their minds up!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to this thread as I have in the past had replies posted from "scanny"

also on the "truckers forum" website
I have been a "wagon driver"

for over 35 years and am also a member of the IAM (having passed 3 tests (car/m/cycle/wagon)
I am proud to be a wagon driver and not as they say over the pond

a truck driver! (I hate that terminology)
I say welcome to any driver,

female or male or van driver as in our own way we contribute to the movement of goods around the country and just because you don,t drive a 44 tonne artic doesn,t in my view make you a lower class of driver,

from the courier to the heavy haulage we all have a role to play in moving goods around the country as small parcels need to be shipped as well as large loads

We can,t all be large wagon drivers somebody has to deliver the parcels that the 44tonners move about.

done the job for so long and I am still learning every day something new as i have done general / tippers / distribution ( for Safeway @ Warrington RDC 18 years till redundancy reared it,s ugly head)

I am now on containers and this is the easiest job I have had just open the doors and

ask the loaders / unloaders to try not to rock the wagon too much as it keeps me awake

been there and got the "T" shirt as they say
I now drive a MAN XL 420 (highliner to those that don,t know) automatic

and I must say from when I started my driving career all those moons ago (far more than I care to remember)

I started on an Albion Chieftain on flat work all handball loads and then sheeted the load and in winter you had frozen / wet sheets to contend with then there was the LAD cab a right old boneshaker cos you froze your nuts off in the winter and sweated em off in the summer (the only air con was to open the windows both sides to let the wind through!
And I then progressed to an Atki Borderer with a Gardner 180 LXB and a David Brown, 6 speed box max speed 51 mph

To change up the box take it out of gear into neutral then light a fag and smoke it then drop in to the next gear and woe betide if you got the revs wrong (you could hear AND feel the gears grating)!
Happy days as they say but I don,t think I would like em back

but i do still hanker for old wagons as my hobby is restoring old buses and cars trucks etc.
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