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 Post subject: Now unmarked HGV
PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 00:41 
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Be on BBC PLAYER - thing that caught my eye was the white tractor unit (unmarked) possibly filmed on the M6/M42 area on the lookout for HGV 's.Was going to say heads up , but next thing I'll have some cop doing me for stopping some driver doing something wrong :roll: :roll:

lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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 Post subject: Re: Now unmarked HGV
PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 03:01 
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This vehicle was loaned to them to help them prosecute lorry drivers as they cannot see in when they are in their low down police vehicles. they just had a tall white cab with a square logo on it - an 'S' black letter with blue background on the side of the cab area - then they had a Police car behind them who then stopped the trucks if they failed to pull over.

The policeman was on Radio 5 live about 8:40 am this morning ... telling to story (shown tonight on BBC 1 ' Motorway Cops - which also showed the cops) how they stopped a chap that was initially 3 times over the limit and after 2 hrs twice over the limit.
He was truly shocked that he was over the limit.
Another chap was driving a lorry and only had a provisional UK licence - seems that he had a southern Irish licence (as he had been given points), but they didn't make that terribly clear on the program.

I do not know how long they have the vehicle for but is this the new pattern, a tractor and now a lorry too ... what next a Ferrari ?
I totally agree these people needed to be stopped and the Law enforced as their actions were potentially dangerous and illegal.
We must always ensure that the Police apply enforcement proportionately and appropriately, as we too must ensure that our Government applies good policies.
We must ensure that there is proper observation of good procedures of road safety to ensure that we achieve the right behaviours in motorists.
What makes a driver take charge of a vehicle when they have to know that they are over the limit or drive when they are driving under the wrong licence.
It would be good to interview people anonymously so that the truth can be obtained without fear of prosecution to find the true 'reasons' for such bad actions. I wonder how many people state the truth when they speak to the Police when under fear of prosecution.

The massive lorry accident that they showed was very bad and the fact that the driver wasn't injured was incredible ! Another very odd accident where another car and lorry were involved were never shown I wonder why they never showed the other vehicles involved nor mention why ?

They also brought up that they cannot search anyone they stop ? (After a driver's mobile phone was not located.)

Safe Speed for Intelligent Road Safety through proper research, experience & guidance.

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 Post subject: Re: Now unmarked HGV
PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 14:05 
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Old News.

We had flyers last year.

The massive lorry accident that they showed was very bad and the fact that the driver wasn't injured was incredible ! Another very odd accident where another car and lorry were involved were never shown I wonder why they never showed the other vehicles involved nor mention why ?

And I bet he wasn't even wearing a seatbelt. !!

The Box said "Windows XP or better" ... So I installed Ubuntu

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 Post subject: Re: Now unmarked HGV
PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 00:37 
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When Police use unexpected vehicles then the public do not have to stop if they consider it unsafe or unbelievable, however going straight to the nearest Police station and if possible make a call to the local Police station via 999 is necessary if acceptable and forgiveable. This unmarked loaned vehicle had a marked unit behind it, but if they didn't might we start to question if the car trying to stop us is a 'real police unit' ?

It certainly gives extra opportunity to those that may wish to scam the motoring public.

Safe Speed for Intelligent Road Safety through proper research, experience & guidance.

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 Post subject: Re: Now unmarked HGV
PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 17:53 
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SafeSpeedv2 wrote:

I do not know how long they have the vehicle for but is this the new pattern, a tractor and now a lorry too ... what next a Ferrari ?

Second sight,Claire - :wink: :wink:


lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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 Post subject: Re: Now unmarked HGV
PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 05:31 
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botach wrote:
SafeSpeedv2 wrote:
I do not know how long they have the vehicle for but is this the new pattern, a tractor and now a lorry too ... what next a Ferrari ?
Second sight,Claire - :wink: :wink:
Wow ! Evora thread here ... thanks. :)

Safe Speed for Intelligent Road Safety through proper research, experience & guidance.

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 Post subject: Re: Now unmarked HGV
PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:24 
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Seem to remember that Warks were running something fancy on the A46 from Coventry to the M40 junction,out of Leek Wooten ,good few years ago.

something I've noticed, we don't hear much of motorists informing on suspect driving on the TV programs .Something that the NZ programs feature ---is this telling us something about the observation skills of UK drivers, or just that the relationship in the UK has hit a low ?( or that UK drivers don't think the police will respond)

lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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