Quicky16 wrote:
Wow fella that's a bit of a change

I hope you get elected, and as an ex-trucker you can shout for us

...hope you get to Westminster.
i appreciate the support mate
i dont like politicians any more than anyone else on the streets and i refuse to turn into one. take the expenses scandals. i dont see why they should be entitled to any more than any other worker. i certainly dont see why private property should be paid for out of public funds. i had a 2 hour chat with my local MP the other day about a local project that i objected to. he told me that the local residents wanted the project but a bit of debating did reveal that they didnt choose the planned project at all. they chose this project or they chose nothing. there was only one proposal which doesnt equate to a choice in my mind. my first step will be running for local election in 2011 and as a representative of my community, i would offer them not only a choice of proposals but also the chance to come up with their own proposals.
i have a few campaigns that i would continue to support and that includes safespeed along with the problems associated with driving a truck ie overnight parking, clampers, delivery issues like restrictions etc etc etc. its not in my nature to turn my back on former asssociates and friends. the past few years are causing me to lose hope as our current MPs seem to think that a meeting will satisfy us but we all know that those meetings are merely a strategy with no action coming from them so what is the point? we need someone on the inside who will listen and who understands what the problems are. if that person is me then so be it. i wont abandon my own pressure group or the others that i am currently supporting. it is my new ambitions that brought britainsrevolting from a fuel protest website to the newly revamped political discussion website. my career will take a lot of work and will not happen overnight but no matter what happens, i want to know what the real problems are out there, not the problems that affect a minority who arent struggling to keep food on the table anyway.