botach wrote:
One -seeing a lot of HGV parked up on roads like A5 ,with back doors open - any reason ,apart from obviousone -to show that it'sempty and not worth breaking into ??
two - seing a lot of "this vehicle is limited to 70 " on vans -are these restricted to L1/2 on motorways ?(suspect it's the result of transport managers ,as the ones I see are usually Sprinters -not worth doing it to the older Transits )
To your first question there is more than one answer.
1. Could be venting a fridge unit.
2.Prevents breakins when empty.(even tautliners or curtain siders do this to prevent the casual stanley knife 'L' cut in curtains to look in).
3.Could be open to get rid of a smell
4. Could be open in the hope someone will nick whats inside
It depends on their clasification as a veh. I havent got my book handy but Im sure someone will enlighten. Dont always believe stickers on trucks or vans, some put them on wrongly and often. If you wish to know all this stuff, go and do a CPC (certificate of professional competence) I did and have promptly forgotten 70% of the info

as it was not relevent to me. Tons of bumph info for you to take on doing those courses, but interesting.