Kenny1975 wrote:
I've done it in a few jobs.
Whats wrong with doing it lol.
I'll tell you what it is like when you are on the receiving end of an unessacary convoy, so you know for future reference
How it works best is as follows.
Driver calls the manager or in this case me and says he's on his way and to confirm directions, and give an ETA, so we can get ready (we have a farm to run).
When they get here, we show them where we want to load them. Then check the trailer is clean enough for it to be used to transport food for the human food chain. The driver then gets his passport from us and loading commences.
We start loading the front then the driver directs the loader driver where he wants the grain tipped in the trailer usually from the platform. He gets the load in the right place and we don't get any grain on the floor, every ones happy.
Trailers loaded, he gives us the collection note, sheets up and off he goes.
The next one sees where he has parked and off we go again.
When we get convoys, though the yard is easiely big enough, we have our stuff and 10 artics in there block cause congestion and the other people in the yard can't get on.
So the driver called me to say when he was getting there and arrived on time. I told him where I wanted him parked, so he parked somewhere else

He told me that he had sand in there and he'd swept it out. I checked and there was halt cwt in there. That's gonna make nice bread

. We swept it out and I gave him the passport and started loading. He get's in his cab. I'm guessing where he wants it (can't see into the trailer). He's still in his cab. I notice the tail board is still open and so close it

. He's still in his cab. Then he gets out and goes over to start jawing with his mates while I guess where he wants me to tip my bucket. Then wanders over toward the end and makes me dump too much in the middle so when he pulls the sheet over 200kg falls on the floor. I don't do spilt grain. He moves and the next guy parks to be loaded and they all continue with there conversation. Nobody can get in our out of the yard because of the WI meeting and I'm begining to loose track of who's had paperwork and who's not.
2/10 for drivers that call themselves professionals. But most of them are ok have moaned about all that. Some even sweep up the shed

we like those ones