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 Post subject: convoys, why?
PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2008 18:51 
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The wheat was contracted to go this month and obviously they wait untill the last minute. The haulage contractors are paid and organised by the buyer. So they ring up and say they are on their way and what time they think they will arrive, no problems. There are 10 loads to go out.

Right then lorry drivers answer me this...

Why do you guys have to travel in convoy?

Why do you tip your load, then wait for your mates to tip and all arrive at once (blocking up the yard), then wait for all you mates to get loaded then all go off together like you are holding hands. It's not just the grain bulkers. We have a quarry near by and once in a while there appears to be a big job on some where and a contractor is brought in to shift stuff mob handed and these guys do it too. If you just leave when you are done tipping or loading you don't block up the loading/ unloading premises or have to wait around so much.

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 Post subject: Re: convoys, why?
PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 14:11 
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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:52
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strange behaviour!

the only time i have driven in convoy (in civvy street) has been up to 3 vehicles and even then cos only 1 driver knows how to drop and pick up the bodies. other than that only due to the spread of manpower required to do a job but for grain? :?


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 Post subject: Re: convoys, why?
PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 14:54 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 17:36
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I've done it in a few jobs.

Whats wrong with doing it lol

I did a run where five of us went down to Middlesborough everynight and back. We would all leave at once, we would take a tea break half way down and half way back up. Don't see anything strange about that. Its like working in an office and its break time and going out having a fag or a coffee with others at work having a chat and a laugh.

Suppose it depends how well everyone gets on, we all got on well and we all did the run regularly, so would be a bit strange to try and get away from one another then sit in a layby on your own.

Other jobs ive done been a few of us going places and we would stick together and chat on the CB radio.

Having a chat and a good laugh can make a long run pass quicker.

Place i'm working just now we are doing trunking from Scotland to the West Midlands, lots of other trunkers in our place doing the same run. If we are due to leave at similar times, we will wait and go up the road together. its better that way, someone to chat to and driving older trucks if it breaks down you've got back up.

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 Post subject: Re: convoys, why?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:41 
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scanny77 wrote:
other than that only due to the spread of manpower required to do a job but for grain? :?

When it is just going to a mill they just appear when they can, the mills can only handle and neeed so much at a time, but in this instance there was a boat waiting and it is all hands to the pumps.

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 Post subject: Re: convoys, why?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:01 
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Kenny1975 wrote:
I've done it in a few jobs.

Whats wrong with doing it lol.

I'll tell you what it is like when you are on the receiving end of an unessacary convoy, so you know for future reference :)

How it works best is as follows.

Driver calls the manager or in this case me and says he's on his way and to confirm directions, and give an ETA, so we can get ready (we have a farm to run).

When they get here, we show them where we want to load them. Then check the trailer is clean enough for it to be used to transport food for the human food chain. The driver then gets his passport from us and loading commences.

We start loading the front then the driver directs the loader driver where he wants the grain tipped in the trailer usually from the platform. He gets the load in the right place and we don't get any grain on the floor, every ones happy.

Trailers loaded, he gives us the collection note, sheets up and off he goes.

The next one sees where he has parked and off we go again.

When we get convoys, though the yard is easiely big enough, we have our stuff and 10 artics in there block cause congestion and the other people in the yard can't get on.

So the driver called me to say when he was getting there and arrived on time. I told him where I wanted him parked, so he parked somewhere else :x .

He told me that he had sand in there and he'd swept it out. I checked and there was halt cwt in there. That's gonna make nice bread :roll: . We swept it out and I gave him the passport and started loading. He get's in his cab. I'm guessing where he wants it (can't see into the trailer). He's still in his cab. I notice the tail board is still open and so close it :roll: . He's still in his cab. Then he gets out and goes over to start jawing with his mates while I guess where he wants me to tip my bucket. Then wanders over toward the end and makes me dump too much in the middle so when he pulls the sheet over 200kg falls on the floor. I don't do spilt grain. He moves and the next guy parks to be loaded and they all continue with there conversation. Nobody can get in our out of the yard because of the WI meeting and I'm begining to loose track of who's had paperwork and who's not.

2/10 for drivers that call themselves professionals. But most of them are ok have moaned about all that. Some even sweep up the shed :clap: we like those ones

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 Post subject: Re: convoys, why?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 16:31 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 17:36
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Fair do's in your circumstance, tell them not to come at once.

In my case i deliver pallets so drive into a huge shed and open curtains suddenly like he charge of the light bridage these forkies appear and my double decker trailer is empty about 10mins later, drive into next shed same again apart from they are loading me. 20mins all done.

So we wait outside, so not blocking anyone or anything.

As for the drivers not cleaning the trailer properly etc... some are just lazy. I know because i am a lazy truck driver :)

But then again i don't do jobs which involve doing much apart from driving, guess my point is a lot of drivers take a job which involves more than just driving then bitch about it.

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 Post subject: Re: convoys, why?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 19:26 
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Joined: Wed Jul 11, 2007 17:25
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That sounds like Fradley Park Pallet hub.

Madness abounds !!

The Box said "Windows XP or better" ... So I installed Ubuntu

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 Post subject: Re: convoys, why?
PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:39 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 17:36
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Outcast wrote:
That sounds like Fradley Park Pallet hub.

Madness abounds !!

Yip thats the place, i'm lucky i get in there before it gets insane. I go in maybe a truck or two in front of my get tipped then loaded.

If i'm held up going down then its a nightmare seen it Q'd out towards the A38 waiting to get in there, don't think i could handle being in the middle of that madness every night.

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 Post subject: Re: convoys, why?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 19:47 

Joined: Fri Apr 25, 2008 15:50
Posts: 249
adam.L wrote:
The wheat was contracted to go this month and obviously they wait untill the last minute. The haulage contractors are paid and organised by the buyer. So they ring up and say they are on their way and what time they think they will arrive, no problems. There are 10 loads to go out.

Right then lorry drivers answer me this...

Why do you guys have to travel in convoy?

Why do you tip your load, then wait for your mates to tip and all arrive at once (blocking up the yard), then wait for all you mates to get loaded then all go off together like you are holding hands. It's not just the grain bulkers. We have a quarry near by and once in a while there appears to be a big job on some where and a contractor is brought in to shift stuff mob handed and these guys do it too. If you just leave when you are done tipping or loading you don't block up the loading/ unloading premises or have to wait around so much.

You are right and it used to annoy the hell outa me waiting for them all to get out of the way so I could get my powder tanker in, it also used to annoy many of the site managers too. Trucks actually have no right to stay on site without permission beyond their delivery requirements. Drivers like this are pratts and are often employed because of their gullability and follow the leader mentality, then the employer can suss who is the leader and get them all following like sheep by keeping the leader sweet. It makes them all feel a little bit of power when they block everything up for everyone else, you can tell by their attitude when you ask them to go and let others in.Attitudes none would use if they were alone.They are simply simple minded and because of that you will never enlighten them. When I was driving I always had something better to do than lick another drivers arse, though I would help out if one was in real need of help.

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