scanny77 wrote:
fortunately most officers dont bother with us not wearing seat belts. i NEVER wear one in a truck and i have never had as much as a telling off for it. the odds of needing to move myself to get a better view of blindspots etc are far higher than the odds of a seatbelt saving my life in an accident. the 5 series scannies dont come with a wide angle mirror on the offside so i always lean forward to check over my shoulder. a seatbelt would restrict my ability to do that!
I tell you what 'scanny' if you had the misfortune to have the crash my mate did you would definitely NOT want a seat belt on, the only thing that saved him was being able to jump across and back on his bunk. Trucks have vertually no crumple zones, are flat fronted(majority) and there is only a small distance from the front, to the driver position. The bulk of truck crashes result in little or no injury to truckers, the more serious ones where truck rolls badly or hits something as hard as another truck,the driver becomes a tomato unless they can jump outa the way, and many have done.