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 Post subject: Cab Cam
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:11 
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I am looking into setting up a cab cam that uploads to the internet as I drive along,I have seen truckers in the US doing this ok and I have just set up a trial page and it works ok - - but is there anyone out there who is doing this mobile stuff already.

The camera software is free,and the uploads are free in a 3g area but will it be of any use or have I got far to much time on my hands?

I would love to catch a curtain slasher in the night on it !!!!

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 Post subject: Re: Cab Cam
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:56 

Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2004 00:08
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jonester wrote:

I would love to catch a curtain slasher in the night on it !!!!

Aaaah, the VLI, Vehicle Load Inspectorate.

I was carrying a full load of wallpaper, stopped overnight at Hartshead Moor MSA.
Did my usual walkround while pumping up the airlines, and noticed that my 5th wheel pin had been pulled, now wouldn't that have been fun, dropping a loaded trailer on it's knees in an MSA.
Sorted that out, carried on with my walkround, all OK, and off I went back to Immingham.
Once on the terminal, going to dr it in the lanes, was being followed by a fitters van, who stopped me and asked if I knew about the cut in the back end of my Tilt.
Baskets must have found they didn't want my load, and pulled the pin to get their own back on me.
Where it had been cut, I couldn't see it because it was touching the bushes behind where I was parked.

Semper in excreta, nur quantitat variat.

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 Post subject: VLI
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 15:48 
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Your not wrong,I hate them.I even saw some at work - or what I thought was at work - and reported them and the reg plate of the car to the police eating breakfast at the time at services where this was going on.Guess what they did bugger all.

You know for a fact they have knives,so I wouldnt recomend confronting them.I can normaly hear an owl fart at night but these devils are stealth on legs.......

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 Post subject: Re: Cab Cam
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 16:47 
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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:52
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knife or no knife i would have them. i dont like truck crime and since the police do sod all about them i reckon the driver should return to the traditions of the industry and group together to take them on. most drivers have something handy kicking around the cab anyway. that bar for tilting the cab would be a useful tool for the job and cant be considered a weapon.

NB should you find yourself face to face with someone who is about to assault you, use a strong natural reaction to your advantage. chuck something at their face. a fag packet would be ideal. if your throw is accurate they will flinch giving you a second or so to kick them in the nuts! :wink:


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