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 Post subject: somerfields
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 21:43 
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im in for an assessment next week. From what i can gather its iceland with different coloured trailers. Anyone know what they are like to work for? Im going to the pitrevie dc in dunfermline. Run by wincanton
I cant say im impressed. Thats where i took a delivery last week in a co op truck. They made me pull off the bay to open the bloody door for them! :x


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 00:00 

Joined: Sat Apr 23, 2005 00:06
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I've worked for them in Tewkesbury down here.
Not bad but trucks they give agency are really battered inside.
Watch them regards clocking off time-they try to round it down to previous 1/4 hour down here.

The job itself is a doddle. You don't even take stuff off the lift-stores supply 2 staff to do it and you stay in the trailer. MAKE SURE they supply 2 staff. You're not allowed to take stuff off the lift yourself and the store managers know it-but they'll still send out the oldest feeblest woman possible to tip you.

Smokebelching,CO2 making,child murdering planet raping,granny mugging,politically incorrect globally warming (or is it climate changing now it's getting colder?)thug.
That's what the government want you to believe of me. If they get back in I'm emigrating.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 03:54 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 17:36
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I worked for them in East Kilbride for a short while.

Driving assessment, was pretty basic stuff, get a bog standard type agency test thingy on WTD, then a drive with some reversing in the yard. Working with fridges in the Pit but DO NOT split couple they will boot you out the door if they see you doing it, i got caught and warned over it if i was seen doing it again would be out the door. The assement is allright because the guy goes over where everything is, how to do paperwork etc..

The motors are supposed to be new, when i was there last summer they were waiting on new motors but typically running around in motors from X-reg to 51 plate Volvo's which were ok. Everytime i see a Somerfields truck up this way is the same old motors. They are usually pretty digusting inside, steering wheel caked with grease !

Used to do a run everynight from EK to the Pit then get a run from the Pit with chilled or frozen. The staff behind the desks seemed quite cool in Pitervie, most of the other drivers were pretty cool as well. Tho since its a supermarket get some people with attitude espec between agency drivers and full timers over the usual who gets what runs etc...

The runs are allright some are a pain in the arse to get into, Galashields i think is a bad one or somewhere around about there, blind sider from a small lane into a car park. Watch your times delivering to shops, if you come back too fast other drivers will go mental at you. Lots of arguments between drivers over that. I always tended to ask another driver how long does it take to do this run. Some runs i could easilly do in 6 hours with a break whilst most others are taking 10 hours.

If its working well and there is plenty of work typically do about 7-8 hours then you can go home or choose to go out again and can max out your hours. its good that way, similar to what i'm doing just now can pull in a lot of hours.

All in all its pretty easy, only problem i had is with agencies in East Kilbride and prob Pitervie the Wincanton contract is for 6 hours guareenteed not 8 hours like most places. Which most of the time wasnt a problem since got more than that. But when i was there at the end they had a purge on to get full time drivers and recruited a lot. Me and a few other agency drivers were going from EK to the Pit with an empty trailer or with salvage, sitting in the pit for an hour told nothing happening go back to EK with just the unit then getting sent home from EK so only getting 6 hours per night. Thats why i moved on because ive gotta travel to work and can only work 4 days a week so if i'm out working want to get decent hours the nights i can work to make it worth my while. 26 hours a week is no good for me espec when i can get 40-50 hours in other places in 4 days.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 18:38 
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4 hour assessment, 1 hour of driving, no contact with a trailer. Its mostly signing paperwork and chatting lol


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 15:09 
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Funnily enough it was like that on agency at Somerfield.

Call you in at 0:45
Leave you sitting in the canteen until 04:45 (just long enough to be brain dead)

Then give you four drops + Cage collections around London !!

The Box said "Windows XP or better" ... So I installed Ubuntu

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 19:29 
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1st job 5am sunday! I shall of course report back on them :lol:


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 19:32 
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good luck

The Box said "Windows XP or better" ... So I installed Ubuntu

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 17:35 
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standby driver! That lasted almost 20 seconds before being sent to irvine in a rigid. More paperwork than iceland but at least you only deal with the tail lift when its raised. Lowered is their problem!
Back to iceland tomorrow :D


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