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 Post subject: is this a sexy job?
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 20:32 
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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:52
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i had 1 delivery today. Marks and spencers, argyle st, glasgow. Its not my favourite place to go however, being the city centre it was heavily populated with pedestrians. Getting out i ended up reversing past the turning i wanted (1 access road) to get a decent swing at it. I just happened to notice i had some attention. 3 ladies of the opposite sex. I was somewhat bemused (although admittedly chuffed) by this as i thought we were reputedly dirty smelly buggers.
Is this the sort of behaviour witnessed by anyone else?


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 22:02 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 17:36
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Ladies of the opposite sex, shemales ??? :P

Never thought of drivin trucks as sexy.

You werent delvering to Bothwell St in Glasgow this morning were you ?

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 22:10 
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i couldnt tell you the name of the road mate. Half way up the pedestrian precinct. You get to it from glassford road. Some kind of construction work going on. There is a bell type object on the corner.
Oh yeah, and 3 ladies who like truckers :lol:
Or maybe it was the mercedes badge they liked. I had an actros. Women can be so shallow :roll: :lol:


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 22:32 

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Nah Bothwell St is about 3 or 4 blocks south of Sauchiehall Street kinda towards Central Station.

I seem to be delivering next to a lot of M&S trucks, espec when deliver to a Sainsbury's in Rose Street Edinburgh.

One of our drivers last week went to do Sainsbury's in Rose Street didnt bring an Anderson Lead for the tail lift i had to fight me way into Rose Street at 8am to give him mine. He got most of it done until the battery ran out the M&S driver along the road wouldnt lend him his anderson lead to finish it off lol

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 23:41 
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i wasnt driving an m & s wagon. Its a keuhne and nagel contract. They do home deliveries for m & s furniture. Normally the artics only do trunking then its transhipped onto smaller vehicles. The rest of the shift was taking that plus 2 other trailers from shotts (centre link, the old cummins factory) to hill hire at newhouse. They went loopy. The are overflowing with trailers. Everyone is bringing them back :lol:
I didnt get the megaspace but even a mid range actros is nice to drive. By christ do they shift. 460 horses let loose without a trailer :D
I wish i knew someone with a v8. After that v8 scania last week, my only ambition is to do a shift in a v8 actros. I might even do it for free! Only once though, after that they can damn well pay me. I dont work for nothing :lol:


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 00:01 

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My last job my wagon was a 530 V8 Scania was a nice motor, a bit crampt inside for tramping though. It could shift.

Mercs always seem to have decent power, ive drive a V8 Actros awhile back was a nice truck, did a run up the A9 to Inverness in it.

I'm driving MAN's mostly just now TGA 440's i hate them. I think the power is all wrong on them, to me seems the power is set far to low down. Can wheel spin it easilly but top end not even carrying much droping to much speed even with a light load on slightest hill. To me it seems to be like the 380 Volvo used to drive.

420 V8 Scania driven for B&Q would blow the MAN off the road.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 19:54 
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You mean something long the lines of my toy...


Actually I don't like Scanias that much.. But 560 ?

You can't knock it !!

You know the big hill on the A2, Just off the M2 near Canturbury..... Our Renault 420's slow down to about 31mph climbing that fully freighted.

That scanny whoops up there at 53 fully freighted.

The Box said "Windows XP or better" ... So I installed Ubuntu

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 20:35 
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i just love the sound of the v8s. Always have. This was my first time out in one. It was a 4 series but who cares when you hit a hill and the GROWL begins :D
Im not a scania fan either. Give me an actros or pre updated TGA any day
No renaults though. A had a day in an old premium. The cab was familiar though. Its the one DAF put on their 7.5 tonners. Apparently the surrender monkeys think its suitable for artics :x


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 22:19 
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Kenny1975 wrote:
Rose Street Edinburgh.

Does it still warrant it's reputation


Last I knew it had more pubs per mile than anywhere else - (and only one to stay clear off :wink: ).Everyone's ambition was to pub crawl Rose street ,and walk home.
Really sadistic to send anyone there that had to drive back.

lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 04:01 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 17:36
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It was pretty sadist the other week working on Rose Street on a Sunday morning after the rugby with loads of people drunk coming outta the pubs and clubs was depressing i was at work :( God knows how many French people asked me directions.

Think Rose Street is the same as before with all the pubs unfortunatly not been out drinking Rose Street for years.

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 Post subject: Re: is this a sexy job?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 20:40 

Joined: Fri Apr 25, 2008 15:50
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I have to worry about the 'Ladies of the oposite sex' :lol: but I have to agree that Scania's for me are the best designed truck to drive though could do with improvement in some areas. But they have best mirrors,best overall visibility,best driving seat and steering column adjustments,one of the best power deliverers,one of the best gear boxes,one of the most reliable mechanicaly/technically and electronically. One of the easiest trucks for driver maintainance (changing bulbs too :lol: ) and has a wider bunk than most.I like others have driven many many trucks for many many years and the scania,overall, is best tool for me.

BUT NO! it is not a sexy job, if you are getting off on that idea good luck to you and try not to make a mess :D Is farmer giles on his massey fergy sexy?..... :lol: Now go see your doctor youve had too many nights out! :D

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 21:23 
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Kenny1975 wrote:
I seem to be delivering next to a lot of M&S trucks, espec when deliver to a Sainsbury's in Rose Street Edinburgh.


Ah -Rose street ---has it still got the same number of pubs - :drink2:

lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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