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 Post subject: Supermarket Trailers
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 18:54 
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At least I am not the only one to be covered in the proverbial grease as I worked for a supermarket chain for over 18 years (until redundancy reared it,s ugly head) and I can categorically say "sixy" is spot on with the statement about maintenance being spot on especially where the greasing is concerned.

The supermarkets motto in the VMU (vehicle maintenace unit) was if it moves grease it if it don,t leave it :roll: :roll: :roll: :wink: :wink: :wink:

They do "Grease" everything that moves and boy does it get everywhere as the majority of drivers do not wash their trucks except when they use the truck wash and that cratinly doesn,t get the grease off all the underside or anywhere else.

Grease to a driver is like money to my petal it is drawn to them or in her case of money to her that must be obeyed :roll: :roll: :roll: :wink: :wink: :wink:

"There But For The Grace of God Go I"

"He Who Ain,t Made Mistakes Ain,t Made Anything"


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 19:00 
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I've been pulling fridges fulltime for about 5 - ish years now.... Before that.. agency at Somerfield..ASDA

[Edit] And the Co-Op ( How could I forget them ? Try pushing a top heavy cage down cobblestone streets !!)

If you "Split-Couple" you can avoid most of the gunge.

The Box said "Windows XP or better" ... So I installed Ubuntu

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 19:39 

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I tend to split couple does reduce the manc getting everywhere, most of the time being carefull can avoid the grease.

I was with Somerfields for awhile doing frozen and chilled got caught doing a split couple and the supervisor had a hissy fit told me if he saw me doing that again i would be out the door :(

Co-Op is fun and games with the cages espec when some of the shops sit on a hill ! Did a stint in the Co-Op for awhile years ago. The states of some of the cages used to really **** me off espec since the ones with the wonky wheels were the ones they would pile the booze into.

Stormin and Outcast a question...

What was it like back in the 1980's driving trucks. heard a lot of guys on other forums and guys ive worked with say it was a lot better. But heard others say it wasnt all it was cracked up to be, carrying three log books, driving really long hours, having to hammer it everywhere.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 19:51 
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:lol: :lol: :lol:


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 20:57 
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As a "Golden Oldie" who remembers em both it wasn,t all it is cracked up to be long hours (if you were prepared to run bent) not good wages, wagons where a lot better in the 80,s than the 70,s as I remember starting on an "Albion Chieftain" 4 wheeler in the 70,s with shaking mirrors that drove you up the bloody wall trying to see what was behind you as you saw 4 images of the same vehicle. :roll: :roll: :roll: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Heaters that were useless in the winter and just the same in the summer as they wouldn,t blow cold enough air through so you had to open "Both" windows to get some "Air Con" then you were stuck with a howling gale going across the cab and if you weren,t careful all you paperwork with it! :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Radios were a luxury (if you could get one to play loud enough) over the engine noise :!: :!: :!:

"There But For The Grace of God Go I"

"He Who Ain,t Made Mistakes Ain,t Made Anything"


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 21:00 
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scanny77 wrote:
:lol: :lol: :lol:


Yeah. Kinda weird that I'm classed as an old timer now !!

To be honest... It was a HELL of a lot harder than now..

but.... More enjoyable to. ( Does that make sense ?)

That ERF you saw me pictured with on the previous page was a 290 Cummins... we were considered blessed when we got those "Hand me downs" ( There was a pecking order for new trucks), Us N00bs usually got the wanked out P O S !!

But no limiters. We generally drove no faster than 100kmh anyway but you had the honk going downhill to get most of the way up the otherside.

If I put my hand on my heart.. It was much more fun back then... These days its.....

Rules...Rules... Rules... Speed Cameras.. sneaky ba2turds behind mobile Spandaus etc etc etc

Crazy thing I have noticed... Before limiters.. we sat at 100kmh .. the cars would overtake us and slow down and match us.. ( Usually annoying you)

Now Our Max limit is 89kmh the silly buggerz have slowed to to suit !!

You can't win !!

The Box said "Windows XP or better" ... So I installed Ubuntu

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 21:21 

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I would never call anyone old, lets just say experienced :P

Can imagine in someways a lot more fun back then, the job is pretty easy these days but gone crazy with H&S, regulations and paperwork. Espec when you go somewhere like Morrisons B'hill and you can't even sit in your cab when your getting tipped.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 21:30 
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just for the record, i dont know how old any of you guys are. Im guessing Kennys username (like my own) incorporates his birthyear but the others, no idea. None of my business either. It was meant as a cheeky dig at Kenny and im glad it was taken in humour (as was the intention) 8-)


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 21:34 
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i hate all that H & S nonsense. Somerfields made me pull off the bay on to open the door for them. I could understand if it was barn doors but it was a shutter door. They have a loading bay but i had to use the tail lift as a ladder to open the door and again to close it. Where the hell is the sense in that??? :?


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 21:38 
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If Kenny drove trucks in the 70's then he must be older than me.

My D.O.B. is


The Box said "Windows XP or better" ... So I installed Ubuntu

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 21:51 
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you are officially not old then. The average age of a truck driver is 52
I think that represents how few youngsters are joining us. There cant be very many. There could be a critical shortage in 10 to 15 years time when our current average age is going to be at retirement age :shock:


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 22:11 

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nah i'm 33 i was born in 1975.

Ive only been driving HGV's this decade, about 7 years now.

Your lucky they told you to go out open the back door, ive reveresed a trailer onto a bay with a shutter door didnt open it. 3 hours later wow tis is taking ages to unload 5 pallets, watching others come in get tipped leave.

Ever since then i open the shutter door, usually if you open it when they are finished they will pull it down for you, saves messing about trying to climb up on a trailer.

Eventually went in was told we are waiting on you opening the back doors. Luckly was getting paid by the hour so wasnt too bad :)

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 22:38 
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it makes you wonder why people complain about rdc work. If im getting paid to sit around blethering to other drivers the last thing i would do is complain about it :lol:


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 Post subject: How old "R" you
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 22:58 
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Jesus "Scanny77" is that your age :?: :?: :?: :?: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Flamin nora and I thought I wuz a "Golden Oldie" :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously though I was born in wait for it :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink: :wink: 1950 so that makes me the old f*** of this road show or that is what my darling offfspring calls me :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Been driving for over 35 years now and still love every minute of it only went driving cos of the 3 day week and the firm closed down so fancied a break from fixing em to driving em and stayed at it ever since will probably hang up my keys when I reach 65 as have been there and done it as they say.
:wink: :wink: :wink:

I still for a hobby restore old buses and lorries just to keep my hand in so to speak as I don,t go for all these new gizmos as I was taught to find a fault you stuffed a screwdriver in your left lughole and listened to it then fixed it :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Slept in poor digs (when there were no sleeper cabs) woke up in the morning with a load of bites etc. as in some places it appears that I wasn,t the only occupant of the bed (and it wasn,t female either) I was always the unlucky one :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Must say the wagons have improved no end with night heaters etc. auto g/boxes and none of the David Brown boxes that when you changed gear you put it in nuetral then you lit a fag smoked it then dropped it in to the next gear 51mph max speed with a Gardner 180 and if you had a Cummins Engine you had a flying machine especially with a "Fullers Range Change box" you were King of the Road. :wink: :wink: :wink:

Happy days :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol:

There but for the Grace of God go I

"There But For The Grace of God Go I"

"He Who Ain,t Made Mistakes Ain,t Made Anything"


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 23:38 
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I still for a hobby restore old buses and lorries just to keep my hand in so to speak

Place in/around Lanark ( near Abington) you'd like - got a nice selection of Seddon (think it' that ),trucks /engines etc - not big ,but worth a look.This might trigger someone's memory .

Gardiner 180 - perhaps showing my age now - other place I saw them was in pairs on a RNLI boat ( and some West Coast ring netters ) ,as opposed to Kelvins.The props were designed to rotate in opposite directions.

lets bring sanity back to speed limits.
Drivers are like donkeys -they respond best to a carrot, not a stick .Road safety experts are like Asses - best kept covered up ,or sat on

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 21:17 

Joined: Fri Apr 25, 2008 15:50
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scanny77 wrote:
thats what happens when you positively discriminate. The people who dont qualify (in this case genetically) get understandably miffed. Plus Sixy has a great spirit so elevating her above her friends undeservedly ticks her off a tad :lol:

You are right there.....positive discrimination is the worst thing ever to happen anywhere any time,it breeds negativity.

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