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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 18:04 
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scanny77 wrote:
thats what happens when you positively discriminate. The people who dont qualify (in this case genetically) get understandably miffed. Plus Sixy has a great spirit so elevating her above her friends undeservedly ticks her off a tad :lol:

You do have a way with words Scanny :lol:

The thing is, I actually find it quite patronising - I already work in a male dominated industry and I can hold my own quite comfortably. I don't need someone patting me on the head telling me that it's ok because I'm a girl... :roll:

Having someone pay or subsidise training simply because I'm female is the same thing IMO.

Science won over religion when they started installing lightning rods on churches.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 18:44 
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I would tend to side with sixy on this one. trucking is dirty. I wouldnt want to rough it at MSA's for a week. It does depend on your firm and how organised your route and maintainance is.

I have no problem with targeted training, however it is mistargeted at the trucking industry If the people trained don't stick at it. We have had loads of female engineers and after a year or two they find it too tough and get moved onto lighter work. The same money might persuade 10X as many ladies to train and stay elsewhere in an industry with 20% ballance.

I also think £100 a day is quite low for looking after a £100k lorry and a load that can be worth £1million and working away from home.

Speed limit sign radio interview. TV Snap Unhappy
“It has never been the rule in this country – I hope it never will be - that suspected criminal offences must automatically be the subject of prosecution” He added that there should be a prosecution: “wherever it appears that the offence or the circumstances of its commission is or are of such a character that a prosecution in respect thereof is required in the public interest”
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 Post subject: Re: Lady Truckers
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 18:49 

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Stormin wrote:
Be careful as I used to work with a female driver and she was as good if not better than some of her male colleagues and boy did they get jealous if they thought she was getting preferential treatment from the managers :wink: :wink: :wink: :roll: :roll: :roll:

She could do the job just as well as the men and didn,t moan about what she could and couldn,t do and I would say there was more whinging and bitching from the men than her as some used to say things like she fluttered her eyelashes and all the loads were done for her typical absolute sexist rubbish as she was a brilliant driver as she was in my team in the LDOY finals for 4 years running and beat me twice and I beat her twice (metaphorically speaking) :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: .One particular driver had a special (derogatory) name for her which I won,t put on this site but he was just a woman hater anyway as his view was that women should be tied to the kitchen sink and not driving wagons :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :x :x :x

I used to work alongside a woman who not only averaged one stupid low speed impact a week in the yard, she'd 'had a relationship' of around a week or two with half the management in the office in order to get the loads she wanted-and she'd cry sexual harassment if she wasn't given easy runs.
We all had a name for her... well, apart from the ones she was shagging.
Stormin wrote:

Unfortunately "Scanny" there are some on other sites who don,t agree with you on the statement about "Sixy" knowing about driving wagons and as I have said to her you are entilted to your views the same as we are and I have no time for these know alls that have a dislike for people not in the profession as that is what makes these sites work seeing the side and views of people who don,t do this job for a living :wink: :wink: :wink: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Yeah, maybe-and I know where you're coming from-but Sixy is my other half and I've been driving for longer than a lot of those on 'that' site. She's been out with me on enough occasions to have more of an idea than most.

Besides, I sussed a long time ago that most truck drivers are thick as pigs**t and their own worst enemies with apathy and everything else that affects them. The residents of a 'certain' site are significantly above most as they can type a sentence and it makes sense... I usually have very little time for drivers. Yourself and Scanny are exceptions.

Smokebelching,CO2 making,child murdering planet raping,granny mugging,politically incorrect globally warming (or is it climate changing now it's getting colder?)thug.
That's what the government want you to believe of me. If they get back in I'm emigrating.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 21:24 
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if you look at the joined dates between Sixy, Nos and myself, you will see how long i have known them. Sixy has always made sense in her posts and with the length of time i have known her, i think i am in a better position than most other members on that site to judge her credibility. Should she wish to return, i would back her all the way. Lets face it, i have been back 2 days and the arguements are starting. Supporting a friend against someone i dont like is second nature to me. Like Nos, i reserve my hand of friendship to a select few so upsetting any1 else is not going to worry me


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 Post subject: Sexism and Bigots
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 22:28 
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I totally agree with you both on this one as I have said before that IMHO it doesn,t matter whether you are a driver or not just because some bigoted half wit on another site doesn,t want to hear the other side of a discussion shouldn,t stop someone from posting a statement.

I have seen some of the postings to newbies and others and they treat them like idiots with their ridiculous remarks and I certainly wouldn,t let some bigoted peabrain of a driver stop me from posting my comments.

Unfortunately that is why when you see some of the postings you wonder how the hell they get through a days work without getting up someones nose or being downright ignorant to other people at delivery / collection points etc.

As for the statement about the sexual antics of one of your female drivers I most certainly don,t think that the one I worked with did anything like that as it was just the male drivers bitching about her.

Like the majority of drivers they were that busy watching what everyone else was doing and thinking that other drivers were getting better runs and jobs they just made themselves look like fools as management always said if the drivers are bitching between each other they are leaving us alone and how true that was!

"There But For The Grace of God Go I"

"He Who Ain,t Made Mistakes Ain,t Made Anything"


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 23:15 
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funny you should say that. It was pointed out today that a couple of topics that i am involved in are heating up. One has progressed a bit further. Somebody i dont even know is having a go. The inevitable has happened already ie im off the reigns and going for him :lol:

I have behaved for 2 days. I think thats enough warning :wink:


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 Post subject: Re: Sexism and Bigots
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 01:07 

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Stormin wrote:
I totally agree with you both on this one as I have said before that IMHO it doesn,t matter whether you are a driver or not just because some bigoted half wit on another site doesn,t want to hear the other side of a discussion shouldn,t stop someone from posting a statement.

I have seen some of the postings to newbies and others and they treat them like idiots with their ridiculous remarks and I certainly wouldn,t let some bigoted peabrain of a driver stop me from posting my comments.

Unfortunately that is why when you see some of the postings you wonder how the hell they get through a days work without getting up someones nose or being downright ignorant to other people at delivery / collection points etc.

Def with you on all of that!
I think that's why I keep getting asked back for agency jobs. I shut up and work unless they try and make me run bent. :D
Stormin wrote:
As for the statement about the sexual antics of one of your female drivers I most certainly don,t think that the one I worked with did anything like that as it was just the male drivers bitching about her.

Like the majority of drivers they were that busy watching what everyone else was doing and thinking that other drivers were getting better runs and jobs they just made themselves look like fools as management always said if the drivers are bitching between each other they are leaving us alone and how true that was!

You're right-this particular woman was definitely an exception. AFAIK she's now been banned from all the big RDCs here. Last time I saw her on the road she was driving a sh1t tanker...eau de toilette anyone? :D

However, I do work alongside a few women fairly regularly and they are no better/worse at the job than we are and are accepted as such-because they don't act like they think they are some sort of special case.

Smokebelching,CO2 making,child murdering planet raping,granny mugging,politically incorrect globally warming (or is it climate changing now it's getting colder?)thug.
That's what the government want you to believe of me. If they get back in I'm emigrating.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 01:35 
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im going out on a limb here. The general consensus seems to be that we are all willing to accept women driving trucks providing they dont look for special treatment. That also means no discriminating with regards to funding though. Sounds fair to me and i have no objections :)


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 02:30 

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scanny77 wrote:
im going out on a limb here. The general consensus seems to be that we are all willing to accept women driving trucks providing they dont look for special treatment. That also means no discriminating with regards to funding though. Sounds fair to me and i have no objections :)

Mmm... sort of.
A good driver is a good driver is a good driver.There's far more to the job than just driving though-and a driver needs to be able to meet all the criteria. It's that simple.It is however, not a job for the lady who wants to shout 'look at me I'm a girl in a truck'. She's a DRIVER in a truck,and as such she's the same as we all are.

I don't personally see any difference between one person driving a truck and another. It is however a fact of genetics that some people aren't actually capable of it-be it someone with dyspraxia or a someone who's physically incapable of unloading safely because of lack of upper body strength or whatever-the gender is irrelevant. What matters is ability to do the job. Giving people special treatment because of their gender is illegal as well as highly unfair.

Smokebelching,CO2 making,child murdering planet raping,granny mugging,politically incorrect globally warming (or is it climate changing now it's getting colder?)thug.
That's what the government want you to believe of me. If they get back in I'm emigrating.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 03:53 
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i was generalising rather than entering a discussion on the different sectors within the industry and the potential problems assoiated with each of them. Purely driving would normally mean trunking. Anything elsd and other skills are involved eg map reading, routeing, handballing, pump trucks, curtains etc etc etc
When you think about it the best way to help a potential driver is to take them out prior to their training and open their eyes. That goes for either gender


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 Post subject: Lady Truck Drivers
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:15 
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On this one as I have said before I don,t have a problem with women driving trucks for a living or to a point with them getting funding for training (although it should be for both sexes) but as "Scanny & Nos" says the job can be a hard one due to the physical side of the job which with no disrespect to women drivers they may find it hard to do.

The one I worked with could pull 1 tonne pallets with a handpallet truck just the same as the men (in fact even better sometimes) and she was built like a stick insect so size etc. doesn,t ncessarily go with strength :wink: :wink: :wink: :roll: :roll: :roll:

What does get under my skin are the negative postings about women drivers and the culture of looking down on them as they think that men are the greatest benefit to the other gender as my petal sez "you need me for u no what" but us women can get a machine to do what you do and in some cases better :!: :!: :!: :whip: :roll: :roll: :roll: :wink: :wink: :wink:

As for the one who was "giving extra services" so to speak she wants to be careful as she might end up with "friction burns"on her back :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I would say she got her "Come Uppance" for want of a better term never mind the "Eu-de-Toilette" :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll: :roll:

"There But For The Grace of God Go I"

"He Who Ain,t Made Mistakes Ain,t Made Anything"


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 19:43 
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After X amount of years driving wagons you get to know where the dirt lives and how to avoid it !!

Of course, the above should be ignored if your sheeting a flat !!

The Box said "Windows XP or better" ... So I installed Ubuntu

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 04:37 

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Outcast wrote:
After X amount of years driving wagons you get to know where the dirt lives and how to avoid it !!

Of course, the above should be ignored if your sheeting a flat !!

Or driving a supermarket wagon... The grease is all over the trailer connectors,suzies,back of cab, mudguards,underside of the trailer (just where you brush up against pulling the pin) and fridge units. It never gets cleaned off either because the truckwash doesn't reach it.

Oh, and every moving part of the tail lift-inclusing the buttons at times.

Smokebelching,CO2 making,child murdering planet raping,granny mugging,politically incorrect globally warming (or is it climate changing now it's getting colder?)thug.
That's what the government want you to believe of me. If they get back in I'm emigrating.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 08:53 
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thats because the supermarkets tend to look after the wagons better. Im guessing its part of the contract. Ever noticed how a supermarket trailer will have nicely greased moving part yet move to a different site and you have damaged ancilleries etc even though the haulier is the same!
I still cant figure out how my hands and arms get mucky when i dont touch anything without gloves once im out the cab :?


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 09:46 
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scanny77 wrote:
thats because the supermarkets tend to look after the wagons better. Im guessing its part of the contract. Ever noticed how a supermarket trailer will have nicely greased moving part yet move to a different site and you have damaged ancilleries etc even though the haulier is the same!
I still cant figure out how my hands and arms get mucky when i dont touch anything without gloves once im out the cab :?

My theory is that 5th wheel grease is actually sentient and can tell when you're within 5 feet of it. I jumps out when you're not looking and attaches itself to your arms.

Science won over religion when they started installing lightning rods on churches.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 16:12 

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ive no problem with anyone doing the job, ive no problem with people getting funding for getting their licences.

i do have a problem tho when its getting funding just because you are female when a male maybe can't get the same funding.

another problem with people coming into the industry is they have some romantic notion of what its like. more than likely due to advertising etc... from training agencies wanting peoples hard earned cash.

a lot of people get free training then discover the job is not what they thought it was going to be and the money is nowhere near as good as they thought it would be and jack it in.

spoke to a guy a few months ago got made redundant, decided to go for a career driving trucks. in the space of a month sat his class 2, class 1, HIAB and ADR. this guy was telling me all about the job and how great it was and how could earn £40K a year even tho he has never driven a commerical motor on the road for any company yet. i wonder if the grim reality has kicked in for him yet.

spoke with other guys going for their licence talking about how in a few years time after they have some experience are going to buy their own unit and make so much money.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 16:39 
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a few months ago? So he probably still hasnt driven a commercial vehicle then? :lol:
I did it differently. I got my licence from the army and did some agency work. When i left i had a running start. Had my licence for 4 years and i had experience under my belt. I knew what i was facing but i prefered it to telecommunications (my trade as it was then). I can see how the owner driver route looks attractive when you see their units but how much of the truck do THEY own? Probably a smidgen compared to how much the finance company own :!:


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 16:51 

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This guy was telling me all about the job, even tho id been doing it for years he knew a lot better lol.

Owner drivers not sure how much they make guess it depends on the work they get but seen some in another forum, quoting £1 - £2 per mile for some stuff and i'm thinking how the hell can you make money doing that. Own a truck, insurance everything else plus the stress if something goes wrong to make £500 a week.

I thought about it awhile ago but the more i read i get more put off. To put it in context in the 1990's i was getting £1 per mile as a motorbike courier in London, when fuel was a hell of a lot cheaper, i could get over 50mpg + and do 80mph, could buy a bike for less than the monthly lease on the truck i'd imagine and insurance was peanuts compared to an arctic. Plus i could park it overnight in my kitchen and also repair there myself lol

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 17:28 
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i have to admit that i have given it the odd passing thought but never seriously. I just cant see it being worth the hassle or risks. Letting someone else worry about all that stuff suits me


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 18:09 
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I took my test in 1985 on an old Bedford TK with no powersteering.

Yes I failed first time, on the reverse... I just couldn't honk the wheel round fast enough and went over the yellow line. ( No powersteering)

Anyway.. I got my license and found it didn't mean squat.
I couldn't get a job anywhere

Why ?
Cuz there were no jobs and I had no experience anyway.

I ended up at a company called Pc Howard Ltd. Me and my mate (we both passed at the same time) worked a solid month, summer holiday relieving For NOTHING.

Yes you read that right.


After the months summer holidays were over they put a 10 tonner on the road and let me drive that... My mate got on artics coz he was better at reversing than me.

The pay ?

I was earning more money sweeping up chips off the floor at McCains whittlesey.

We stuck it out though even though the old timers called us cowboys for working for nothing. But there was NO WAY to break the chain.

After about 7 months-ish I got put on flats (artic) pulling steel out of Corby and back loading out of Sheerness before being put on THIS

That job though was away five nights a week and I only stuck it out for about six months before leaving for greener pastures.

They didn't exist (around here anyway) and I returned cap in hand. But I had driven tautliners at the place I went to and so was then... Experienced (what a joke).

They trusted me more with high sides because the old timers had only ever pulled flats and management figured they would likely end up trying to deliver railway bridges.

The Box said "Windows XP or better" ... So I installed Ubuntu

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