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PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 20:07 
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Hi I am new. I having been driving Trucks 18yrs now and find alot of Women want to do the same. Have any of you any Questions. There is alot of info that might help you Succeed.

Last edited by ladybird50 on Wed Feb 06, 2008 20:16, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 20:15 
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There is European funding to help Women into Logistics Training including Driving Trucks.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 23:50 
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sixy might be in touch with you on this


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 03:35 

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ladybird50 wrote:
There is European funding to help Women into Logistics Training including Driving Trucks.

Bit sexist isn't it. I had to pay for everything on my own yet if I go to prison or have a sex change I can get funding to pay for it.

Hello Scanny mate, how's it going?

Smokebelching,CO2 making,child murdering planet raping,granny mugging,politically incorrect globally warming (or is it climate changing now it's getting colder?)thug.
That's what the government want you to believe of me. If they get back in I'm emigrating.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 05:36 
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bloody hell. I thought i was AWOL :lol:
Still breathing mate, still driving. Thats good enough for me and more than some people would like :lol:
How are you doing? What are you up to these days? Good to see you again :D


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:30 
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THB whilst I really am keen to get my Class1, it doesn't seem right to go through a 'favoured' channed - as Nos points out, he had to pay up for his and I don't do free hand-outs...

Besides that, the biggest problem I have right now is time, not money...

Science won over religion when they started installing lightning rods on churches.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:48 
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To be honest I think its wrong too. Mainly because the hours and inflexibility of trucking does not fit many ladies lifestyles. But I would take almost any ones cash for training I wanted.

:welcome: btw ladybird50

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 14:10 
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anton wrote:
To be honest I think its wrong too. Mainly because the hours and inflexibility of trucking does not fit many ladies lifestyles. But I would take almost any ones cash for training I wanted.

:welcome: btw ladybird50

Its not even that anton - its a dirty, phyically tough job with limited or no sanitary facilities for, potentially, a week at a time. Then there's the personal safety issues, the fact that 'its a man's job' which really can be extremely offputting to some women (feeling threatened, insecure etc) and a mirriad other reasons why it really wouldn't be most womens' first choice of career.

ON a personal note, if I went into the job I would want to do it on an equal playing field, and pitching up with 'I had my training paid for because I'm a girl' really isn't going to create the right impression at all.

I don't actually want to work in haulage any more, but I would still like to get the licence, purely for the self satisfaction.

Science won over religion when they started installing lightning rods on churches.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 15:12 
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i have given up arguing this issue. It keeps cropping up every so often. I do agree that its wrong in principle. On the other hand Sixy is a friend and this could save her a few quid
The government want more female truckers and ethnics. They think that the up front costs are the problem which all those who inhabit planet earth are aware, is not the case. When they deal with the real life problems (security, facilities etc) they might get somewhere. They think they need to attract women (a problem that most MPs would have by the look of them :lol: ) when in reality they need to make the job more attractive as a whole


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 16:58 
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Thats why there are loads of women in transport. ????

Its just like any skill there is european funding to help people with most things. Just because the funding is for women there is subside training for MEN TOO.!

Is it any wonder women are oused out of this line of work with comments like that.
Thats where I come in and make sure they get the line of work ie Driving Lorries.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 17:03 
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Its not a dirty job. Done it 18yrs. Only work a four day week. Two Saturdays. Infact its the best thing ever.
I have got several women onto the course and been asked to be a driving assessor so we can train up another 20 women. one thing, our pay is over £100 for a 10 hr day. and home for 3pm Bank holidays double tiome and a day in leiu. So please dont put a downer on people who want advise and help.

Last edited by ladybird50 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 17:08, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 17:06 
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ladybird50 wrote:
Its not a dirt job. Done it 18yrs. Only work a four day week. Two Saturdays. Infact its the best thing ever.
I have got several women onto the course and been asked to be a driving assessor so we can train up another 20 women. l one thing, our pay is over £100 for a 10 hr day. and home for 3pm Bank holidays double tiome and a day in leiu. So please dont put a downer on people who want advise and help.

And free advertising? :roll:

Science won over religion when they started installing lightning rods on churches.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 17:09 
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I dont make money by helping people Thanks!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 17:10 
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And been a biker 30yrs too.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 17:29 
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i should tread VERY carefully. You are talking to people who know what they are talking about. Example: women make up 2% of the truckers in the uk. I wouldnt call that loads by comparison to males!
You appear to be heading towards the notion that we dont agree with female truckers. That would be false.
Sixy may not be a trucker herself but she knows all about the profession. That i can assure you!


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 17:35 

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ladybird50 wrote:
Its not a dirty job. Done it 18yrs. Only work a four day week. Two Saturdays. Infact its the best thing ever.
I have got several women onto the course and been asked to be a driving assessor so we can train up another 20 women. one thing, our pay is over £100 for a 10 hr day. and home for 3pm Bank holidays double tiome and a day in leiu. So please dont put a downer on people who want advise and help.
You're not from the UK are you. The only time I've ever had the option of doing hours like that was RDC shunting-and I've been driving trucks for 12 years,6 of those on agency.

There's no way you can say that anything involving coupling up isn't a dirty job-and it makes no odds to me how many women do the job-anyone who's capable is capable.

Smokebelching,CO2 making,child murdering planet raping,granny mugging,politically incorrect globally warming (or is it climate changing now it's getting colder?)thug.
That's what the government want you to believe of me. If they get back in I'm emigrating.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 17:41 

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scanny77 wrote:
bloody hell. I thought i was AWOL :lol:
Still breathing mate, still driving. Thats good enough for me and more than some people would like :lol:
How are you doing? What are you up to these days? Good to see you again :D

Not bad here mate, bit dented though. Still at least I will be after I get over being run over by one of the bloody home delivery vans... :@

Smokebelching,CO2 making,child murdering planet raping,granny mugging,politically incorrect globally warming (or is it climate changing now it's getting colder?)thug.
That's what the government want you to believe of me. If they get back in I'm emigrating.

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 Post subject: Lady Truckers
PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 21:11 
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Be careful as I used to work with a female driver and she was as good if not better than some of her male colleagues and boy did they get jealous if they thought she was getting preferential treatment from the managers :wink: :wink: :wink: :roll: :roll: :roll:

She could do the job just as well as the men and didn,t moan about what she could and couldn,t do and I would say there was more whinging and bitching from the men than her as some used to say things like she fluttered her eyelashes and all the loads were done for her typical absolute sexist rubbish as she was a brilliant driver as she was in my team in the LDOY finals for 4 years running and beat me twice and I beat her twice (metaphorically speaking) :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

One particular driver had a special (derogatory) name for her which I won,t put on this site but he was just a woman hater anyway as his view was that women should be tied to the kitchen sink and not driving wagons :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :x :x :x

I personally would say if you can get any financial help in taking the test and the course go ahead and do it and to hell with the moaning minnies who say everybody should get financial assistance as it is costly enough nowadays to pay for the training / test (mine cost £94.00 for a weeks course incl. the test) but then that was a lot of money in them "Good Old Days" :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink: :wink: :legorally:

Unfortunately "Scanny" there are some on other sites who don,t agree with you on the statement about "Sixy" knowing about driving wagons and as I have said to her you are entilted to your views the same as we are and I have no time for these know alls that have a dislike for people not in the profession as that is what makes these sites work seeing the side and views of people who don,t do this job for a living :wink: :wink: :wink: :roll: :roll: :roll:

"There But For The Grace of God Go I"

"He Who Ain,t Made Mistakes Ain,t Made Anything"


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 13:56 
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Thanks for that Stormin,

I have nothing to prove to anyone. Its just a job.
Some people take things so serious!
Yes I work in the UK. There is more to life then havinga go at each other. I only came on here to help ,and look whats happing. Oh Well. Thats life. :lol:

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 17:57 
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thats what happens when you positively discriminate. The people who dont qualify (in this case genetically) get understandably miffed. Plus Sixy has a great spirit so elevating her above her friends undeservedly ticks her off a tad :lol:


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