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 Post subject: Re: HGV Training Y/N?
PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 16:08 
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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:52
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i would recommend agency work to start with anyway. you learn fast.

i would recommend having a truck driver in your mobile though just in case. one of the first agencies i worked for was manned by ex drivers so when i came up against something i didnt know i phoned the office and they gave me instructions there and then. i doesnt hurt to have the back up just in case

since i left the army in 2002 i have spent a block of 10 months with a full time employer. other than that i have been agency. the only truck i havent driven is a renault magnum. a few months ago i did an assessment with another driver from my agency who had been full time with one employer for 16 years. this client runs volvo fms. when asked this guy said he had never driven one whereas i said i had driven both manual and with i shift. no disrespect to the other driver but with agency work you become very versatile and quicker to train. the only real downside is you have a limited knowledge of the trucks. as i said on the assessment drive, i know how to drive them as in making the truck move by i dont know how the trucks inside out. there is always more knowledge to be gained!


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 Post subject: Re: HGV Training Y/N?
PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 16:21 
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Joined: Wed Jul 11, 2007 17:25
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Thats something that used to piss me off.

As an agency driver I was always expected to drive/take the shittiest runs but was expected to know every damn truck and run inside out.

I did it without complaint (while they were around - Grrrrrrrr.. wrenches steering wheel of bose when out of eye/earshot) but made the buggers pay with the hours claimed !!

The Ironic thing is... At the company I work full time for now (Langdons) ... I previously worked agency for them for about 4 years. I trained virtually EVERY driver on their fleet the trucks and runs. Yet the dickheaded ones looked down their noses at me for being agency.

I stayed agency despite repeated offers from Langdons management because they simply didn't pay enough (for my circumstances). I went on the books full time because they rang me up saying they were opening a new depot and needed an extra night trunk driver, which is on night rate.

Now all I do is go to our own depots... No waiting except for statuary break and all I do is open and close the rear doors !!

For an advice tip I would say.......

NEVER whinge about the jobs or trucks your asked to drive whilst customers management is around. YOU get the kudos ahead of their own drivers. AND you make the buggers pay for your uber services.

The Box said "Windows XP or better" ... So I installed Ubuntu

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 Post subject: Re: HGV Training Y/N?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 20:10 

Joined: Fri Apr 25, 2008 15:50
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talenatrucker wrote:
Hi all,

I am debating weather to take my HGV training, I was going to take it when I was 19 but had to wait 2 years and still havn't taken it, I am 22 and I am seriously considering taking the training.

I was hoping that I could get some responses of advice about the pros and cons of a driving job.

From where I stand the hours would be long and I wouldnt have too much of a social life when doing long trips but the wage would help sooth that.

If I was to go ahead what should I be aware of and are there any pitfalls I should know about, please any advice would be gratefully received.


A lot of it has been said, it really depends on you and your mentality,what you expect and what you are willing to sacrifice. There are one or two great jobs out there for drivers but the majority (Im sorry to disappoint you) are High expectations from drivers/Little concern for welfare of drivers/medium to poor wages. I did many years of the crappy jobs but had two good jobs that were well paid and not so crazy on hours per day and nights out and the last one I did was with a great boss. If you are single I would say go for it because it is a valuable asset as you can always fall back on it should any future IT jobs go tits up :lol: Being single you can actually enjoy the work more and bosses are often pleased with the commitment. Some driving jobs can be hard on married couples for obvious reasons. The thrill of driving a big trucky wooky soon wears off especially these days where driving for many is no longer that enjoyable and the work itself becomes a chore, especially in heavy rain or snow or freezing cold temps. Then you need a strong constitution to tollerate the irritating little hitlers you will find all over the place, as well as job cock-ups that make it so you cant get home that night and have to cancel yet another date. :D Still, there are some drivers who live and breathe it and would be happy spending their entire life in a 8x5 space, eating all the junk food they can manage and enjoying endless BS stories from truckers at the roadside 'T' stops or discussing in detail every nut/bolt and piston in their truck. Believe me , they do exist :lol: Do it and then take your time picking a job with it, or just do IT afterwards. :)Agencies are a good place to start, you can get experience and look for work while you are at it, some full time jobs can come from agency introductions.

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 Post subject: Re: HGV Training Y/N?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 20:27 
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Joined: Wed Jul 11, 2007 17:25
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Herby J

Your not Herbie Johnson, Ex Pc.Howard are you ?

Kudo's to you if you are. You assessed me in my first drive for Cocky's.

The Box said "Windows XP or better" ... So I installed Ubuntu

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 Post subject: Re: HGV Training Y/N?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 22:06 

Joined: Fri Apr 25, 2008 15:50
Posts: 249
Outcast wrote:
Herby J

Your not Herbie Johnson, Ex Pc.Howard are you ?

Kudo's to you if you are. You assessed me in my first drive for Cocky's.

No Im not Herbie Johnson :lol: cocky's??? :bunker: Im so sorry that I cannot accept your kudos, maybe I should pretend Im him if it means accolades. :D

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 Post subject: HGV and LGV Training
PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 04:31 
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The small investment you make in a training course will pay off through higher income

In order to get the best jobs, you need to have formal training in HGV and LGV

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